Test Case design

Test Conditional Analysis

Requirements in any shape or form, be it Business Requirements, System, Technical, non-functional, user stories, use cases, or any other form that when presented to a development team, most often are gauged for their completeness and testability, amongst other things. Test conditional analysis is the art and science of designing and developing test cases from these requirements.

A testability statement is not a mere, “Yes/No” question. An in-depth review of the testability yields a lot of valuable insights into the real quality of a requirement. This in-depth review – an analysis, if you will, is what is deemed Test Conditional Analysis. 

Test conditional analysis is the exercise, performed often by Quality Assurance analysts to derive a set of test conditions that they wish to subject the functionality to. A software function’s completeness and adherence to its intended ‘requirement’ is measured by way of execution of these test conditions.

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